This book is an easy holiday read which does not tax the mind. The chapters, wich consist of 18 stories of human-technology/design problems, are independent of one another and can therefore be read out of sequence. As a reminder that human error and human-technology interface problems can be found wherever the two come into contact, this book suits both the general reader and the human factors devotee.

Published in 1993, Casey's book preceded the Institute of Medicine's landmark report "To Err is Human" by six years. In many ways this is a book which presaged the current interest in human factors in Medicine. This book focuses on the "incompatibilities between the way things are designed and the way people perceive, think, and act."
Casey provides eighteen stories which he hopes will teach "a lesson about people, about the design of things, and about the necessity of addressing this all-important component of technology." The stories are well-written and engrossing, however there is very little exploration of human factors or human error. Do not, therefore, expect an expansion of your human factors vocabulary or theoretical constructs.
Every story, except one, quotes a number of references to back up the dialogue and sequence of events. The story lacking references "Double Vision" (p.152-160) does not explain why these are lacking, although the suggestion from the author's prologue is that these events were witnessed by one of the protagonists. This person must then have relayed the story to Casey.
A potential use of this book may be to present one of the stories to an audience and ask them what human factors are illustrated therein. This may be of particular use if you have already covered the dancing gorilla and the "battleship vs lighthouse" scenario. For example, the chapter "A Memento of Your Service" tells the story of Pastrengo Rugiati, a captain of an oil tanker who has a deadline for docking at the oil terminal. If he fails to meet the deadline he will have to wait another six days before he can make another attempt. His ship has drifted off course, there are fishing boats in the area and he is taking a route he has never sailed before. This is the sort of complex, dynamic, stressful situation which we often encounter in healthcare and the parallels may be drawn by a human factors audience.
The book also illustrates the value of in situ simulation for stress testing. In the chapter "Return from Salyut" Russian cosmonauts have to close a valve on their spacecraft as it re-enters the atmosphere. Unfortunately the amount of time it takes to close the valve exceeds the amount of time available before the cabin depressurises. In situ simulation allows the healthcare community to test for these design failures in both equipment and processes.
At times Casey illustrates some of the characteristics which are perhaps frowned upon in human factors. For example in the above oil tanker story, Casey talks about the two fishing boats Rugiati has to worry about:
Actually, these were two French "crabbers" working the shallow waters of the shoals. This alone should have alerted the supertanker crew of the danger ahead. (p.52)
The subtext is that the crew should have recognised the fishing boats as "crabbers" but there is no indication as to how likely this is. On p.147 Casey talks about the "inevitable" shift of sea water within the Herald of Free Enterprise, a term that Sidney Dekker frowns upon. Dekker would argue that the word "inevitable" reflects old-school thinking about human error, where a sequence of events leads to an inevitable conclusion.
Although Casey's thesis is the need to be aware of the role of ergonomics in human error, the word "ergonomics" is never used and the argument is not developed. Many of the current concepts and vocabulary in human factors, such as situation awareness, shared mental model, task fixation, etc. are never mentioned. It is possible that this is because the book was written in 1993, however an introduction to the vocabulary of ergonomics would have been a useful addition for the novice reader.
A couple of additional complaints are:
- The size of the footnotes. At times these take up half the page (p.51) and it is often unclear why these footnotes are not embodied within the text.
- The lack of diagrams/illustrations. For example, on p.121-122 Casey uses a considerable number of words to explain the structure of an SL-1 reactor and on p.170-171 he describes the routes of a number of warships off the California coast. In both instances, simple diagrams would have been helpful.
Although wary of making this into a good news/bad news/good news "sandwich", none of the above criticism should stop you from borrowing (not buying) this book. The stories are interesting, from a wide range of industries and will provide you with additional fodder for your human factors workshops/talks.
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